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Nikola Tesla and Contemporary Research Nikola Tesla and Contemporary Research
About these Reprints

Working together, Tesla experts Dr. James F. Corum, Ph.D., an electrical engineer, and his brother, Kenneth L. Corum, an experimental physicist, have spent decades applying rigorous formal scientific analysis to Nikola Tesla's experiments. Their work provides contemporary scientists and experimenters with astonishing new insights into Nikola Tesla's achievements. We at PV Scientific Instruments are extremely pleased to offer the following reprints of books and papers that cover many of the Corum brothers' major scientific contributions. Short bios of these remarkable researchers are offered at the bottom of this page.

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Nikola Tesla and Contemporary Research

Reprints of Contemporary Research on the Work of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla and Electrical Signals Nikola Tesla and the Electrical Signals of Planetary Origin, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D., International Tesla Conference, "Tesla, III Millennium," Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1996. 82 pp. Illustrated.

Both Nikola Tesla and Voyager I detected singlet, doublet, and triplet pulses emanating from the Planet Jupiter; however, Tesla's announcement that he had received radio signals from another planet was made in the year 1900. This paper reveals how Tesla made the first successful observations in radio astronomy. Skeptics are invited to read this paper and then reconstruct Tesla's apparatus so they can themselves actually listen to these Jovian signals. $30.

Nikola Tesla and the Wardenclyffe Tower Nikola Tesla and the Diameter of the Earth: A Discussion of One of the Many Modes of Operation of the Wardenclyffe Tower, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1996. 30 pp. Illustrated.

"I could calculate exactly the size of the earth or the diameter of the earth and measure it exactly within four feet with that (Wardenclyffe) machine." —Nikola Tesla, 1922. $24.

Nikola Tesla and the Schumann Cavity The Schumann Cavity, J. J. Thomson's Spherical Resonators and the Gateway to Modern Physics, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1996. 77 pp. Illustrated.

The authors examine the concentric hollow spherical resonator in considerable detail and show how it may be used as a teaching vehicle to introduce microwave engineering. The Rayleigh-Jeans law can be derived, Planck’s black body spectrum obtained, and the passage made to quantum theory and cosmology—all in terms comprehensible to engineering students with a background in Maxwell's equations. $28.

Nikola Tesla, Lightning, and Stationary Waves Nikola Tesla, Lightning Observations, and Stationary Waves, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1994. 44 pp. Illustrated.

"No doubt whatever remained: I was observing stationary waves." —Nikola Tesla. $24.

Nikola Tesla, Atmospheric Fields, Radio Receivers, and Regenerative Detectors Atmospheric Fields, Tesla's Receivers and Regenerative Detectors, by K. L. Corum, J. F. Corum, Ph.D., and A. H. Aidinejad, Ph.D. 1994. 44 pp. Illustrated.

A review of recent experimental and analytical research into the sensitive detector circuits used by Tesla during his famous lightning observation experiments in Colorado Springs. Reconstructed models of Tesla's 1899 apparatus reveal an unanticipated level of sophistication (his coherer circuits include distributed highřQ helical resonators, RF feedback, primitive heterodyne and regeneration techniques). $24.

Nikola Tesla and Radar Stealth Tesla's Egg of Columbus, Radar Stealth, the Torsion Tensor, and the "Philadelphia Experiment, by K. L. Corum, J. F. Corum, Ph.D., and J. F. X. Daum, Ph.D., 1994. 94 pp. Illustrated.

By calculation, the magnetic field required to reduce a ship's radar reflection to less than 1 percent at L-Band (1.5) GHz is in excess of 15,0000 A/m. Fields of this magnitude would appear to fulfill the requirements of a "Philadelphia Experiment" by creating green mist and cavities in salt water as well as magnetophosphenes and Purkinje patterns in humans, particularly if driven at frequencies in the range of 10-125 Hz, as was available from synchronous generators on WWII electric-drive ships. The authors “offer this little study in the spirit of an engineer and some physicists having some fun, looking at published statements, attempting to stay within the bounds of engineering technical propriety, and saying, ‘What if?’” $24.

Mahlon Loomis and Wireless, Radio, Communication Dr. Mahlon Loomis: Terra Alta's Neglected Discoverer of RF Communication, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum et al. 1992. 69 pp. Illustrated.

An analysis of the research of the first man to receive a patent on aerial wireless communication, who discovered wireless aerial telegraphy in 1864, just as the Civil War was drawing to a close. $28.

Nikola Tesla and Tesla’s Death Beam Some Thoughts on Tesla’s Death Beam, by K. L. Corum, J. F. Corum, Ph.D. and J. F. X. Daum, Ph.D. 1992. 32 pp. Illustrated.

After piecing together a rough analytical representation of Tesla's proposed utilization of an electrical macroparticle accelerator for a strategic beam weapon, the authors conclude that the most outstanding feature of this proposed technology is that it could develop high power without exorbitant energy requirements. $24.

Nikola Tesla and the Magnifying Transmitter Tesla and the Magnifying Transmitter: A Popular Study for Engineers, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1990. 57 pp. Illustrated.

As Richard P. Feynman pointed out, "The power networks of the future may have little resemblance to those of today." $24.

Nikola Tesla and Fireballs at Colorado Springs, Colorado Fire Balls, Fractals and Colorado Springs: A Rediscovery of Tesla’s RF Techniques, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1990. 36 pp. Illustrated.

An account of how Tesla’s 1899 Colorado Springs fire balls were produced, with a discussion of B. M. Smirnov’s Mandelbrot-Fractal theory of ball lightning (an analytical model consistent with fire balls produced by Tesla more than 90 years ago). This paper outlines the author’s experimental procedures and presents photographic results achieved by following Tesla’s experimentation. $24.

Nikola Tesla and Tesla coils Tesla Coils: 1890-1990—100 Years of Cavity Resonator Development, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1990. 27 pp. Illustrated.

The prominent position of Tesla’s technical contributions in the historical development of modern RF and microwave engineering, shown through historical and experimental developments in Tesla coils and high-voltage RF resonators. $24.

Nikola Tesla and spherical transmission lines Spherical Transmission Lines and Global Propagation, An Analysis of Tesla's Experimentally Determined Propagation Model, by K. L. Corum, J. F. Corum, Ph.D., and J. F. X. Daum, Ph.D. 1987. 81 pp. Illustrated.

"The one thing which I needed to find out was, how does the current flow through the earth? . . . Because when one calculates the things out on the basis of experimental data, the machine has to work as intended. This is engineering." —Nikola Tesla, 1916. $28.

Nikola Tesla and radio frequency, RF Tesla Coils: An RF Power Processing Tutorial for Engineers, by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1988. 88 pp. Illustrated.

The authors show that the primary purpose of Tesla’s Colorado Springs coil version was not merely high-voltage production, but high-efficiency RF power processing. This work contains much theoretical investigation never before published, backed up by specific experimental examples taken from Tesla' diary and the authors’ own experiments, plus other available experimental data. $30.

Nikola Tesla and vacuum tube Tesla coils Vacuum Tube Tesla Coils, by J. F. Corum, Ph.D. and K. L. Corum. 1987. 150 pp. Profusely illustrated. Paperback.

A formal analysis of Tesla coil construction. This text is an absolute must for anyone with any serious interest in Tesla coil construction. The references alone are worth the price of the book, not to mention page after page of diagrams and explanations of the functioning of the Tesla coil and its history and development. This book gives potential Tesla coil builders the means to calculate the necessary parameters for a successful Tesla coil system. $35.

Nikola Tesla and ELF pulses in Earth’s ionosphere The Transient Propagation of ELF Pulses in the Earth-Ionophere Cavity, by J. F. Corum, Ph.D. and A-H. Aldinejad, Ph.D. 1986. 10 pp. Illustrated.

An enlightening discussion of Tesla's terrestrial resonance measurements. $15.

Nikola Tesla and the Extra Coil, slow wave helical resonance A Technical Analysis of the Extra Coil as a Slow Wave Helical Resonator, by J. F. Corum and K. L. Corum. 1986. 24 pp. Illustrated.

A breakthrough paper analyzing the function of Tesla's Colorado Springs equipment: such a clear and concise understanding of the Tesla coil had not existed since Tesla’s time.

This paper presents an analytical development of the extra coil as a top-loaded, slow-wave helical resonator. The treatment starts with foreshortened coaxial resonator whose inner conductor is constructed of an end-loaded spiral delay line. Formulas are then developed for the slow-wave velocity factor and characteristic impedance of the equivalent transmission line which are valid as the outer walls of the resonator recede to infinity, leaving Tesla’s open coil resonator above ground. The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio is then analyzed, including losses, and the voltage step-up of any distributed Tesla coil resonator is obtained.

The resulting model not only predicts the resonant behavior of the extra coil, but readily permits its representation on a Smith chart. The model also serves to explain how Tesla tuned the RF portion of the Colorado Springs apparatus and is shown to be consistent with Tesla’s specific diary instructions. $25.

Nikola Tesla and x-ray Critical Speculations Concerning Tesla’s Invention and Applications of Single Electrode X-Ray Directed Discharges for Power Processing and Terrestrial Resonances, by J. F. Corum and K. L. Corum. 1986. 22 pp. Illustrated.

It is clear from his numerous technical publications that Tesla invented and developed a particular single-electrode x-ray tube in the mid-1890s. This paper provides critical speculations concerning the intended operation and applications of this x-ray tube. $25.

Nikola Tesla and Contemporary Research

About the Authors of these Reprints

Dr. James F. Corum is a senior member of the IEEE and is listed in Who’s Who in Engineering, Leading Consultants in High Technology, American Men and Women of Science, and more than a dozen other professional and biographical dictionaries in the US and Europe. His RF research has been recognized by prestigious scientific organizations and professional societies around the world, and his many achievements include numerous awards and the publication of 100 technical papers, 7 books, and 5 patents.

Kenneth L. Corum is listed in American Men and Women in Science and is the recipient of many industrial awards. He is the author of more than 60 technical papers and 6 books.

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